Akuamma (Picralima Nitida)

Akuamma seed powder (Picralima Nitida) is native to African countries such as Nigeria and Cameroon. The finely ground seeds of the tree, which grows along rivers and streams, are known for their sedative effects and relief of temporary pain. The main alkaloids found in Akuamma seeds, akuammine and pericin, have similar effects to the mitragynine in kratom. Traditionally, derivatives of the Akuamma tree have been used in ethnomedicine to treat a variety of ailments such as fever, jaundice, hypertension and malaria.

Akuammine is an alkaloid that is believed to be the main cause of the effects of Akuamma seed powder. This alkaloid has been extensively researched and its effects are very similar to yohimbine, a plant alkaloid extracted from the bark of another African tree, Pausinystalia johimbe. As with kratom, the effects of Akuamma seed powder can vary from user to user, with some experiencing improvements in energy, mood, and temporary relief from minor aches and pains at low doses. Due to its positive kratom-like effects, Akuamma seed powder is often used in areas where kratom is not allowed.

This is a collector's item (not a food item).


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